Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: V Maltezou Author-Name-First: V Author-Name-Last: Maltezou Author-Name: G Johnes Author-Name-First: G Author-Name-Last: Johnes Title: IT''S BEEN A LONG TIME: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF JOB DURATION IN BANKING Abstract: Using personnel records from two firms in the banking industry, duration models are estimated to examine separations in the context of Great Britain and Greece. We find that it is sustained, rather than instantaneous, performance that is linked to separations. In common with some earlier studies, we find qualified support for a u-shaped relationship between performance and separations, but only in the case of the British data. Both of the banks under investigation experienced substantial reorganisation activity over the time period considered, and we find that the year following this was characterised by increased separation propensities. While most of our findings are consistent across the firms in the two countries studied, we find that single men are more likely than their female counterparts to quit in Britain, but less likely to quit in Greece. We offer some suggestions about why this should be the case. Creation-Date: 2008 File-URL: http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/documents/lums/economics/working-papers/LongTime.pdf File-Format: application/pdf Number: 596221 Classification-JEL: Keywords: duration modelling, labour turnover, personnel economics Handle: RePEc:lan:wpaper:596221