Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: R Freguglia Author-Name-First: R Author-Name-Last: Freguglia Author-Name: G Spricigo Author-Name-First: G Author-Name-Last: Spricigo Author-Name: G Johnes Author-Name-First: G Author-Name-Last: Johnes Author-Name: A Aggarwal Author-Name-First: A Author-Name-Last: Aggarwal Title: Education and labour market outcomes: evidence from Brazil Abstract: The effect of education on labour market outcomes is analysed using both survey and administrative data from The Brazilian PNAD and RAIS-MIGRA series, respectively. Occupational destination is examined using both multinomial logit analyses and structural dynamic discrete choice modelling. The latter approach is particularly useful as a means of evaluating policy impacts over time. We find that policy to expand educational provision leads initially to an increased take-up of education, and in the longer term leads to an increased propensity for workers to enter non-manual employment. Creation-Date: 2011 File-URL: http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/documents/lums/economics/working-papers/EducationLabourMarket.pdf File-Format: application/pdf Number: 615809 Classification-JEL: Keywords: occupation, education, development Handle: RePEc:lan:wpaper:615809